Posts in Opinion
Long-read: The water in your “food miles” may be more important than their carbon emissions

Thinking about “food miles” doesn’t normally make us think of water. But the movement of water within our food system is a problem both environmentally and socially. In this long-form blog we’re going to explore how water travels within our food & why we need to take this a lot more seriously.

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Long-read: Could the energy crisis power a renewable future for the indoor farming industry? 

Energy price instability has sent shock-waves through the CEA community, with a few even questioning its viability. But we don’t think this is the end, far from it. While talking about the bright side of a crisis may seem crass, this could be the driving force for changes akin those seen after the 1970’s twin oil shocks. “Necessity is the mother of invention”, as they say, and we can see some incredible opportunities for positive change that won’t just help our industry further thrive in the medium-term, but could help support the renewable energy transition too. In this long-read, we’ll explore the energy landscape we’re working in and what the big opportunities for innovation are. After all, innovation is what the CEA industry does best! 

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Food for thought: why is farming & food absent from COP26 discussions?

After being rescheduled due to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, COP26 is now right around the corner. This Sunday 31st October, the United Nations Climate Change Conference will begin in Glasgow in an attempt to discuss how we will work to keep global temperatures to below 2C.

Though the global food system currently accounts for a third of total greenhouse gas emissions, discussions about farming and food are largely absent from the COP26 schedule. Many leading academics and local governments have called upon COP26 to give food systems the attention they deserve at the event and push for the transformation of broken food systems that we so desperately need.

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How can vertical farming address our sustainable development goals?

Sunday 24th October is United Nations Day. The UN is responsible for collating our Sustainable Development Goals. These are a call for action by all countries to promote prosperity whilst protecting our planet. To celebrate UN Day, we take a look at which of the Sustainable Development Goals can be addressed by indoor and vertical farming technologies.

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